Sunday, 8 March 2015

Old walls

One of the nicest things about having buidling work done is seeing what's behind the walls we have already. In the case of this house there's brick, and there's wood and there's mud and hair. Let's face it, there's probably some dung too. 

I'm actually quite sad that we've lost these walls now; it feels like we've pulled a bit of the soul of the house down. I know it's only one of a million Victorian terraces but seeing all the holes for all the nails that held all the wood strips that held all the mud and hair somehow reminds me of all the people who've lived here. It's a good ittle house, that has worked hard for lots of families for many years. And now us three are here, making it our home too.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Digging a hole and filling it with money

Once you've spent all the money in the world on pipes you will then need to find more money to pour into big holes.

Sunday, 1 March 2015


Before you can start choosing paint and tiles and curtains and all that fun stuff you think you care about, you have to spend all the money in the world on pipe work.

A soil vent pipe, the placement of which I beleive is at least 2 years of your standard architecture degree. That's what Tim said anayway (or maybe I just made that up, but we have discussed SVPs!)


New drain. It's apparently a public drain becuase our neighbours stuff also flows into it. I don't really understand but I believe it's a whole world of other pain with Thames Water.

Fancy your water coming through lead pipes? No us neither, so we had this fancy blue one fitted instead. Who wants money for shoes when you can spend it on pipes you'll never see instead?

I don't even know what this is for. But it's new and is under our florr.