Saturday, 22 February 2014


So like all well designed bathroom doors ours is made of glass and doesn't have a bolt. We find it adds to the excitement for visitors to the House of Love; never sure if someone will walk in on you or watch you through the glass. But apparently people actually find this unsettling!

Luckily, on a trip to see the new Grandchild, Stephen brought along his bolt collection.

Inspecting the door - forgot to mention it doesn't close properly either.

Planning away some of the wood will help. 

Stephen supervises Jon's work.

neither of these ones will fit.


We've put it really high up so Patrick Jones can't lock himself in and necessitate calling out the fire brigade.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Telephone move (labour of love)

Two weeks ago I decided it was time to take Mum Guthrie's advice and move the telephone so that we could clear the cabinet from the hallway. 

Hallway blocked by telephone cabinet and other paraphernalia. 

So I got some extension cable from Wilko and got to it.

Extension cable all round the door and telephone now housed next to the sofa; we've moved the cabinet and have a nice clear hallway - win! 

And then my waters broke, so the House of Love now has an extra resident. Good job we've got a clear hallway to store her pram in.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Keep on pinning

We've been adding some more pictures and postcards to our kitchen wall.

On our holiday before last we got a bit obsessed with spotting Felipe IV around the Prado. Now we can spot him in our house too!!

We've also added some artistic black and white selfies from when we were younger and more attractive (and could work a proper camera).