Saturday, 17 November 2012

Windows. End. Of. (for now)

So, we got a bit cold with that massive hole in our sitting room, so we asked the nice men to put some more windows in (luckily they were still hanging around).

After getting rid of the window held together with loo roll we weren't sure about the squirty cream in the gaps, but they're the experts.

Houseface! Now all we need to do is paint the pebble-dash and get a new door.

Look how amazing and light-filled our sitting room looks!

I'm going to have to make some new bloody skirtains!

Thank you so much to @PamHutch for recommending Ian Foster and Sons. Without her recommendation one Friday night at the Hornbeam cafe we would have procrastinated forever!

Sorry for the overkill of windows posts but quite frankly it's cost us so much money we needed to get blog value out of it.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Springfield Road's Dickensian sweet shop closes for good

So after we got our top windows redone, we thought our sweetshop window was looking a bit shabby.

So we got rid of that too!

This window was so rotten/held together with loo roll it wasn't worth saving to make rustic garden propagation devices.

There's a ruddy great hole in my house!!!!

Another great houseface (closed eyes, big wide mouth)

What the hell are they doing now?

Making the hole even bigger!

Totally toothless houseface! (eyes half open, open mouth with lips covering teeth)

Monday, 12 November 2012

An expensive way to make a rustic coldframe

Just a reminder of what the house looked like before the upstairs windows disappeared.

This is why our windows disappeared. This man took them out!

Look! No window.

And the back.

Our new window about to go in.

Filling the gaps.

Eeeeek!! (Don't worry, they made good!)

We're keeping the old windows for a cold frame!

p.s. sorry we haven't made the coldframe yet. Next job for Stephen?

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Because of the great face it makes, we removed the window frames, and I think we'll just leave it like that. Look; not a cloud in the sky! I'm sure it will be a lovely warm night tonight!

You can do an impression of our house by exposing your gritted teeth and looking slightly upwards. Use your left hand, palm open, to simulate the small open door.